Heating Minnesota with safe, affordable energy
We believe everyone in our state deserves:
Reliable energy with consistent prices we can all afford.
Safe energy that eliminates indoor air pollution.
Clean, Midwest-made energy that leverages Minnesota innovation to curb pollution and tackle climate change.
Transparent, accessible, and equitable decision-making, so that every Minnesotan can make their voice heard and see themselves in our shared vision for a clean energy future.
Tools and up-to-date information on how to access safe, reliable and affordable energy.
With the right choices and collective action, we’re crafting a brighter future where instead of relying on gas, we’re choosing clean, safe, and healthy energy sources.
The world is moving away from climate change-causing fossil fuels and questioning the wisdom of continuing to bring natural gas into our homes and workplaces. Our state is a hub for clean energy and innovation. That’s why Minnesotans are coming together to make sure our transition away from gas and toward safe, affordable, clean energy benefits all of us – regardless of our age, race or ZIP code.
Take action with Clean Heat Minnesota
Together, we’re creating a Minnesota where everyone can heat, cook, and power their appliances with Midwest-produced, affordable, clean energy. We are co-creating our vision across a multi-racial, statewide coalition of Minnesotans.
Meet our Clean Heat Coalition
We are proud of our multi-racial, statewide coalition of partners. Let us know if your organization is interested in joining our coalition!