Fact Sheet


Everyone in our state deserves:

• Reliable energy with consistent prices we can all afford.

• Safe energy that eliminates indoor air pollution.

• Clean, Midwest-made energy that leverages Minnesota innovation to curb pollution and tackle climate change.

• Decision making that is transparent, accessible, and equitable, so that every Minnesotan can make their voice heard and see themselves in our shared vision for a clean energy future.

• Modern, innovative energy planning and infrastructure that prioritizes consumers and Minnesotans who have been historically left behind.


Right now, most Minnesota homes and buildings rely on imported, carbon-emitting natural gas that endangers our health and climate.


The world is moving away from climate change-causing fossil fuels, and questioning the wisdom of continuing to bring unsafe gas into our homes, businesses, and workplaces. Our state is a hub for clean energy and innovation. That’s why Minnesotans are coming together, to make sure we all benefit from the transition away from natural gas and toward safe, affordable, clean energy – regardless of our race, how much money we have in the bank, or where we live.


Together, we’re creating a Minnesota where everyone can heat, cook, and power their appliances with Midwest-produced, affordable, clean energy. We are co-creating our vision across a multi-racial, statewide coalition of Minnesotans. We will:

• Put a stop to pollution in our homes and workplaces, curb climate change-causing emissions, and end our reliance on fossil fuels.

• Move equitably toward modern, clean, and affordable energy sources and infrastructure, and move on from the old way of doing things — as well as the price shocks and market volatility that go with them.

• Elevate Minnesotans’ hopes, concerns, and stories, especially Minnesotans in under-resourced communities.

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