Clean Heat Minnesota and our 39 partner organizations had a busy year working to build a future where every Minnesotan can live, work, and play in buildings heated with safe, affordable energy.
Here are our top highlights from 2024:

The Clean Heat Minnesota coalition worked alongside Synapse Energy Economics to analyze how Minnesota could decarbonize its homes and buildings in the most feasible, cost-effective, and equitable ways possible. The study found:
Read the full report here.

Xcel Energy Rate Case
Xcel Energy’s 2024 gas rate case* at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MN PUC) doubled down on maintaining the status quo by allowing Xcel to bill customers for their American Gas Association (AGA) membership dues.
Clean Heat Minnesota and our partners sought to leverage this moment and encourage the MN PUC to establish meaningful policy changes to accelerate a just and equitable transition away from fossil gas starting with ending customers paying AGA dues.
Thanks to comments submitted from partners and individuals across the state, Xcel customers are no longer paying their dues to the American Gas Association.
*Docket No. 21-413

CenterPoint Energy Rate Case
Like in Xcel’s rate case, Clean Heat Minnesota urged the MN PUC to remove dues to the American Gas Association (AGA) from CenterPoint customers’ rates in the CenterPoint Energy rate case.* We believe that Minnesota customers should not be forced to pay lobbyists and organizations that contradict our values and goals, including those at the AGA.
With 40 written comments and four oral testimonies from Clean Heat Minnesota partners and aligned organizations, we saw success in ratepayer contributions to AGA dues cut in half and a lower rate increase for residential customers. Dues paid by CenterPoint customers to other pro-gas trade organizations, like the Minnesota Blue Flame Gas Association, will be completely removed.
*Docket No. 23-173

Gas Integrated Resource Planning
The coalition sought to engage on the Gas Integrated Resource Planning (Gas IRP)* over the 2024 summer. This docket is for long-term gas utility planning and is an important tool for reaching our state’s climate and health goals. Specifically, the Minnesota PUC is adopting new rules that will require the state’s three largest natural gas utilities to file transparent plans that show how they will meet future gas demands and adjust to changes.
Partners and aligned organizations signed on to coordinated comment letters to encourage the MN PUC to establish meaningful policy changes that will accelerate a just and equitable transition away from fossil gas.
As a result of the comments submitted by 10 organizations, seven cities, and experts, CenterPoint, Xcel Gas, and MERC are now required to consider Minnesota’s 2050 net-zero greenhouse gas goal in resource planning. In addition, they must consider the climate goals of governments and have a robust Expansion Alternatives Analysis that prioritizes Environmental Justice areas.
*Docket No. 23-117

Clean Heat Minnesota attended in-person and virtual hearings at the Minnesota PUC with ACE!, Fresh Energy, and COPAL to provide oral testimony for the CenterPoint rate case.

Alongside COPAL, CUB Minnesota, and Ayada Leads, Clean Heat Minnesota hosted our first in-person event! The Winter Home Prep event sought to educate Minnesotans on their utility bills and help prepare their homes for our colder months.